Monday, 25 June 2007

Supportive Pam

Congratulations on your retirement Pam. It has been a privilege to have worked with you. I think I was very lucky to start my NHS career in a West Midlands Trust under your guidance. If not for you and Irene, I doubt I would be working where I am and as happy with my career as I am. Between you, you established a very positive environment, and got me involved in work I may not have got into if it had been entirely voluntary... I’m referring to you getting me involved in SASHA amongst other things, and also to the way in which library services in the West Midlands are able to give their staff room and time to develop. SASHA taught me an awful lot, and working for the library at UHNS I always had the opportunity to learn new things and develop my skills and confidence.

Thanks for all your support.
Love from Angus. XX

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